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- The ultimate mini labelling system?
- Have you ever used a commercially available labelling system or a software
- package that tries to incorporate labelling features into it's main program
- e.g. a database or wordprocessor and discover many limitations such as:
- only being capable of printing in a specific style or printing only one
- copy of any label etc. Wouldn't it make a difference if those limitations
- were removed.
- ILINIOS is your answer!
- ILINIOS is a powerful, user friendly, versatile, labelling system,
- incorporating many advanced features only found on expensive software
- packages.
- A summary of the features it has can be seen below:
- * Search/Replace facilities.
- * List specific records to the Screen, Printer or File.
- * Easy to use function key style commands.
- * Print out on one, two or even three way size labels.
- * Advanced error trapping and help description capabilities.
- * Print up to 999 copies of any one label!
- * New Sort facility, faster than the original.
- * Uses a unique easy-to-use interface, dubbed the 'Toggle-System'
- * Will Multi-Task properly and uses its own screen.
- * Faster, improved label printing facilities.
- * New Report facility, you can now create your own reports.
- * Fully user configurable, now with configuration file.
- What should I have on my 'ILINIOS' disk?
- ILINIOS V.3.0 - Main Program
- ILINIOS.DOC - Document File
- CONFIG DRAWER - Program.Config
- Output.Config
- Report.Config
- --------------------
- The ILINIOS main menu allows access to the facilities that are available.
- They consist of the following:
- The Import facility enables the user to load in an existing ILINIOS .ADD
- file. Simply enter the filename and press return to load it, or escape
- to exit to the main menu.
- The Create option actually has two modes of operation. You can append new
- data to an existing file, or create a new file by entering the new files name
- and then enter your data.
- The CREATE facility will now automatically search through your default
- ILINIOS directory for any filename specified when using this option.
- Therefore, if you want to append data to an existing file, which
- isn't already in memory. Instead of using the IMPORT facility and
- then the CREATE facility, you can simply use the CREATE option, and
- it will be loaded automatically.
- When you create a new file, an option will appear at the top of the
- create screen, asking if you wish to redefine the field names.
- Basically, if for example, you don't need an ATTENTION field, you
- could change it to a MESSAGE field etc.
- The fieldname option operates in exactly the same way as the edit
- record facility, see EDIT option, later in this document for
- information.
- This option simply gives information about the program, e.g. who programmed
- it, date of completion etc.
- There is now a new completely re-written enhanced output option, where you
- can alter the spacing for labels, define the fields that you wish to print
- and even save changes to a configuration file for future use.
- The new output option screen, has the following options:
- The select option enables you to enter specific record numbers to print.
- Simply enter a record number followed by return or press return with no
- input to exit. (See 'Output Option' notes).
- On some occasions you may want to print every record number in your
- ILINIOS file, this option will allow you to do this.
- You can change the style of print for your labels, either 'Courier' the
- normal ILINIOS font or 'Italics'. (Most Epson compatible printers should
- be able to print in these styles).
- This option allows you to select the amount of labels across a page,
- either: One Way, Two Way or Three Way.
- This option will enable you to set the spacing between labels, thus
- if you are using smaller or larger size labels than the usual standard
- size, you will be able to print out on these labels correctly by selecting
- new spacing for the labels.
- This option is similar to the above, but is for the amount of line feeds
- sent to the printer to reach the next row of labels. As already mentioned
- above if you are using non-standard labels, you can send more or less
- line feeds to the printer, so that your labels will print correctly.
- This option will enable you to set the size of the left margin, to suit
- the tractor feed position of your printer.
- This option will load in a previously saved 'Output.Config' file and
- set-up the options as you customised them.
- This is a very useful facility which will save all the output options
- to a file called 'Output.Config' this can be re-loaded when you next
- use the output option. (See 'Output Option' notes).
- This option will print labels to your printer using the options you
- have selected.
- If you already have a file in memory, but you wish to create a new file,
- then you can use this option to erase the file that is presently stored
- in memory, so that you can create the new file.
- The most powerful and complex option of ILINIOS, but because it uses a
- special and easy-to-use interface dubbed the 'Toggle-System' it is very
- simple to use.
- When the option is chosen the View/Edit screen will appear, displaying
- many options and the first record of your ILINIOS file.
- The available options consist of:
- If you make any alterations to your file, e.g. editing, sorting records
- etc. then you can leave the view/edit option and save the file to disk by
- simply using this option.
- This option is identical to the above, except it will not save any changes
- that you have made to your file. (See View/Edit notes).
- This option will enable you to edit fields in a specific record that is
- currently displayed on screen e.g. Company Name, Address 3 etc.
- When you select this option the heading titled 'VIEW MODE' at the top of
- the record display will change to 'EDIT MODE' indicating which mode you
- are presently using.
- You may of noticed and if so wondering what the numbers 1-9 indicated
- along side the field names are for. These are used in 'EDIT MODE' to
- select which field you wish to edit e.g. number 3 will remove any
- contents in the field 'ADDRESS 2' and allow you to enter new data.
- Simply press return to accept your new data.
- If you wish to return to 'VIEW MODE' then press 'E' to exit.
- The 'EDIT' function has two special keys while editing a field that
- will help you out on some occasions:
- ALT '1' - The 'POST-CODE', 'TELEPHONE NO' and 'ATTENTION' fields, are
- limited to 20 characters maximum. This useful option will
- exceed this amount and enable you to use the full width of
- the above fields, which is 53 characters.
- ALT '2' - When you edit a field, the contents are removed and you can
- then enter your new data. If you want to bring back the
- contents that were removed, then you can use this command
- to do so.
- These 'Special Keys' will most likely be enhanced and extended in a
- future version of ILINIOS.
- This option will allow you to sort records using either the Company Name
- or Attention field names in descending (Z-A) or ascending (A-Z) order.
- To select your option, simply toggle the modes you require by using the
- appropriate function keys and then press F5 to sort the records.
- The sorting facility on this version of ILINIOS is faster than the original.
- This option is a simple facility for quickly jumping to a record,
- especially useful in a large file. You simply enter the record number
- followed by return and it will almost instantly appear.
- This option will enable you to search for any data, anywhere, in any
- record and replace it with new data.
- Enter the data you wish to search for, e.g. 31 Park Lane or whatever, it
- doesn't make any difference if you enter the data in upper, lower or even
- mixed case, ILINIOS will be able to interpret it correctly. Then enter
- the data you wish it to be replaced with e.g. 31 Park Avenue.
- You will now have the option for a 'ASK REQUEST'. If you wish to check
- and make sure that the data found is going to be replaced correctly in
- certain fields then press 'Y' for yes, or 'N' for no, if you prefer for
- ILINIOS to search/replace any found data automatically without your
- consent.
- This option will temporarily delete any record that is presently on screen.
- This basically means the file has been marked for deletion. The heading
- 'TEMPORARILY DELETED' will appear underneath the displayed record. If you
- wish to undelete it, then simply press the 'DELETE' option again, it acts
- as a simple toggle switch to mark/un mark a record for deletion.
- This option will permanently remove any records that have been marked for
- deletion from your file. As a safety measure an are you sure requester
- will appear to make sure that you really want to delete any files.
- (See BUGS FIXED information).
- This option is probably the best facility available on ILINIOS, it will
- enable you to list specific records to the Screen, Printer or File!
- The 'FIELDNAME' is where you would like specific data to be searched for,
- e.g. the Company Name, Attention fields etc.
- The 'SEARCH METHOD' is how you would like data to be searched for, either:
- EQUAL TO - Search for data that is identical to the search data that
- you have entered.
- NOT EQUAL TO - Search for any data that is not identical to the search
- data that you have entered.
- STRING SEARCH - Search for any data that has the search data that you have
- specified within it.
- LEFT SEARCH - Abbreviated for 'One Left Character Search'. This is an
- unusual type of search function, but can be extremely
- useful. It simply extracts the first character of a field
- and attempts to match it with the entered character in
- the search data option. For example: if you required an
- output of all records that had Company Names beginning
- with the letter 'C'. You can easily use the 'LEFT SEARCH'
- option to perform the task.
- The 'SEARCH DATA' option will enable you to enter the data that you wish to
- search for in the field name you have specified.
- The 'SEARCH OUTPUT' option will allow you to specify how you would like
- records to be outputed, to the Screen, Printer or File.
- When you have selected your options, press F5 to execute the 'LIST RECORD'
- facility, which will search for any records that agree with the conditions
- you have selected and output the results in the way you desired.
- This option has been completely rewritten, it now offers faster printing,
- and the ability to create your own reports.
- When this option is chosen the REPORT screen will appear, displaying the
- following options:
- This option will simply select any available report forms, which may be
- the standard report forms or some that you have created yourself.
- This option will simply close down the report option and return you to
- the View/Edit screen.
- When you have selected a report form to print, and have then selected this
- option, a report will be compiled using the field names specified in the
- report form and data from your ILINIOS file, then sent to your printer.
- This option will enable you to create your own reports. The following options
- will be displayed.
- This option allows you to specify a field name to be included in your report
- form. This must also be accompanied by a width amount, which can be set by
- using the +/- keys. The width amount can be anything from 1-53 (53 being the
- maximum amount of characters possible in any field). Every time you select a
- field and width to be included in your report form, the width will be
- subtracted from the maximum report width, which is usually 80, for 80 column
- printers, but can easily be increased by altering the Program.Config file.
- (See CONFIG FILE information).
- This option will select the report field and width that you have chosen and
- include it in your report form, the result of this will be displayed in the
- FIELD SELECT box, under the options. On some occasions you may come across
- a 'Header Clash' error. This occurs if you have entered a report width,
- e.g. 6 which is smaller than the size of the report field header, which
- could be 'Company Name:', which is 13 characters. This error will also
- give you the suggested amount to use.
- This option will simply return you to the main report menu.
- This option will allow you to give your created report form a name and title.
- The name is used when you select a report form on the main report menu and
- the title displays any message that you like, e.g. which fields will be
- printed by the report form etc. The title will appear in the comments box
- under the report form name, again on the main report menu.
- (See View/Edit notes).
- -----------
- The config file allows the user to change some of the default options
- that ILINIOS uses.
- The config file can be edited by any ASCII editor, the ideal candidate
- being the CLI's 'ED' or a wordprocessor like Protext etc.
- You will find this file in the ILINIOS 'Config' drawer.
- The Program.Config file will look similar to this when being edited.
- ILINIOS Program Configuration Version 1.0
- Report Width : 80
- Date/Time : ON
- Extention 1 : ADD
- Extention 2 : LST
- Attention : For the attention of:
- Field Size : 500
- Default Dir : DH2:Basic/ILINIOS/
- A breakdown of what each option is and how to change it can be seen
- below.
- When you create your own report forms using the View/Edit Report
- facility, you have to set a width amount, the highest being 53,
- and the lowest, obviously 1. Each time you select a field and width
- amount to be included in your report form, the report width number
- is decreased. So for an 80 column printer, the report width should
- be about 80 or less if you have a left margin set on your printer.
- When ILINIOS is up and running the date and time from your computers
- battery backed clock will be displayed (if you have one installed),
- if not the date and time will most likely be incorrect. Therefore,
- you may wish to turn off this facility. To do this, simply change the
- ON option to OFF.
- When you create/save an ILINIOS file, it is automatically appended with
- a special extention, which is ADD or LST if you have used the list
- records to file facility. You can change these extentions to any three
- character code that you like.
- When you print labels using the OUTPUT facility of ILINIOS, a prefix
- is automatically attached before any name to be printed in the
- attention field. This prefix can be changed to anything that you like.
- If you don't require a prefix at all, then simply leave this option
- blank.
- The amount of records that ILINIOS can store in memory at any one time,
- is 500. This number can be increased, but at your own risk! This option
- is primarily used during program development.
- A problem with earlier versions of ILINIOS was the inability for it
- to default to a user specified directory. Which meant that if you
- created a directory for ILINIOS files, you would have to enter the
- directory and filename every time you used ILINIOS. You can now set
- the default directory for ILINIOS files to be saved and loaded from
- by using this option.
- Only the List Record file facility will not use the default directory,
- because you may want to send the file to the RAM DISK etc.
- NOTES (Record Numbers)
- * If you enter any record numbers incorrectly, when using a record
- number input option, then a simple screen flash will occur,
- informing you of an error in your input.
- NOTES (Output Option)
- * As yet any entered record numbers will not be saved by the 'Output.
- Config' file. This may change in a future version of ILINIOS.
- * If you have entered any record numbers to print using the Select
- facility, and exit the output option, your selected records will
- still be stored in memory. They can be erased by using the select
- option again.
- NOTES (View/Edit)
- * This version of ILINIOS will also allow you to use the up and down
- arrow keys to move up/down records, as well as the usual function
- key options. Also, the left arrow key will move to the last record
- and the right arrow key will move to the first record of your
- ILINIOS file.
- * If you make any changes to your ILINIOS file and you want to abandon
- them, and you use the Exit/No Save option, the changes you made,
- will not be abandoned, this isn't a bug, its supposed to happen.
- For example, on some occasions you may want to make certain
- changes to your file, but not to save them, therefore this option
- can be handy. If you do want to abandon any changes, then simply
- re-load your ILINIOS file.
- * When using the Report facility, if you try to save a form when using
- the header facility, and the screen flashes, this can be one of two
- reasons, which are:
- You have entered no report name.
- You have entered no report title.
- NOTES (Program Bugs)
- ILINIOS has been extensively tested before its final release, therefore,
- there should be very few bugs, if (any!).
- If ILINIOS ever suffers from a fatal error, which basically means the
- program is about to crash, because of bad program code etc. then a
- special error requester will appear, informing you that ILINIOS cannot
- continue because of such an error, and will also give you a zone no,
- which is whereabouts the program bug occurred. Take note of this number
- and use it when you fill out the bug report form.
- ---------
- The Collect Facility, had a few bugs, and one was so bad that the whole
- routine has been completely rewritten and is now not only bug-free, but
- also faster. The bugs it suffered from were as follows:
- If you had only one record in your ILINIOS file and you had marked it
- for deletion and used the Collect Facility, ILINIOS would crash! This
- happened because their was no check to see if you had deleted all the
- records in your file, so when the collect facility had finished, and
- the view/edit screen tried to display a record number that didn't
- exist, it caused ILINIOS, too get somewhat confused, and crashed.
- The other bug, caused some records not too be deleted! This happened
- due to some bad programming code, which basically caused the collect
- routine to miss some deleted records occasionally... and too think
- that the whole point of a collect routine was to delete records...?
- ------------
- ILINIOS 4.0, will most likely be under development in future months,
- but due to another programming project, it may be a long way off.
- It will include the following extra features:
- * Mail-Merge facility
- * Rapid Print Spooler
- * Report Form Delete facility
- It can be obtained for the princely sum of £5.00, this includes the
- program, disk, documentation and postage, plus news on other programs
- that I have available, and the infamous Blood In The dust adventure
- game that is being programmed by myself and a friend, which should
- be available by early May next year.
- A registration form is at the end of this documentation.
- --------------------
- The following form should be filled in, if you have encountered any bugs
- when using the program.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- PROGRAM: ______________________________________ VERSION NO: ______ --
- -- --
- -- WHERE BUG OCCURRED: ________________________________________________ --
- -- --
- -- ________________________________________________ --
- -- --
- -- ________________________________________________ --
- -- --
- -- _______________________________ ZONE NO: ______ --
- -- --
- -- --
- -- COMPUTER SYSTEM: _____________________________ DATE: ___________ --
- -- --
- -- --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The following form should be filled in, if you have any suggestions to
- improve the program.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- PROGRAM: _______________________________________ VERSION NO ________ --
- -- --
- -- --
- -- ______________________________________________________________________ --
- -- --
- -- ______________________________________________________________________ --
- -- --
- -- ______________________________________________________________________ --
- -- --
- -- ______________________________________________________________________ --
- -- --
- -- ______________________________________________________________________ --
- -- --
- -- ______________________________________________________________________ --
- -- --
- -- ______________________________________________________________________ --
- -- --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- --
- -- ILINIOS Version 3.0 --
- -- --
- -- NAME: _____________________________ --
- -- --
- -- ADDRESS: _____________________________ --
- -- --
- -- _____________________________ --
- -- --
- -- _____________________________ --
- -- --
- -- _____________________________ --
- -- --
- -- POSTCODE: ______________ --
- -- --
- -- --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Send all forms or money!, to the following address:
- Paul Newport (ILINIOS!)
- 31 The Meadows,
- Whittucks Road,
- Hanham,
- Bristol,
- BS15 3PA.
- Credits:
- Programmed & Designed By Paul Newport.
- Thanks to Richard Bessant for the new, faster 'Collect Facility'.
- Complements to Hi-Soft for their excellent compiler.